Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The only Eggplant I would eat....

It was how I felt about eggplants growing up when my mom would serve a plate of stir fry purple-brown stuff. But I've come to enjoy this fruit for its lovely color and versatility in cooking. Since eggplants are in season, I got two small ones at the farmer's market. Unsure which direction these eggplants should go, they sat in the fridge for a week, then was inspired by the prettiness of it on Smitten Kitchen.

As always, mine are slightly different from the original receipt. After baking the sliced eggplant, a layer of quick-boiled spinach went over. Then the marinara sauce with onions and cubed baked tofu. Sprinkled with germinated rice crackers and a fresh basil leaf! Similar to a bruschetta, the baked eggplant acted like a piece of soft bread, needless to say, I ate all of them in one sitting.


  1. omg gorgeous! and looks so delicious!!!

  2. really great photo :) i dont like eggplant, but it looks really good!
