Friday, June 3, 2011

Inari Zushi

Over the Memorial weekend, I had the pleasure to attend one of my dear friend's birthday picnic party. Knowing the amount the giggle juice this bunch would be consuming after an afternoon of lounging in the sun, I wanted to bring something that would be substantial food, but also suitable to partake on a blanket over course of a few hours.

Inari-zushi were one of my favorite dish at Japanese restaurants growing up, they were the alternative to getting the raw stuff that creeped me out when I was younger. It mainly consist of vinegar bean curd pocket filled with rice. I've incorporated more ingredients to make it filling as a mini-meal.
Cook 2 cups of Brown Rice. Boil some spinach and mushroom in a bit of salt and sesame oil, run them through chilled water when done to prevent further cooking, then cutting spinach down to about 2" in length. Stuff soybean pockets with ingredients and top if off with cucumber strips. 

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